Saturday, April 11, 2020

Sara’s work

 Spent a lot of time this week making a foldup paper Easter basket and a mobile for Nora, which we mailed to her. Unfortunately I forgot to take pics. So I did a few sketches one in pencil, pencil and watercolor and brush pen. The middle one is from a photo; the other two from life.

Also did this little watercolor and a marker sketch. These are both from life.

I did this sketch earlier this week and did the painting today, from life, direct without a drawing. I actually like the sketch better than the painting, altho I might do it again. The flowers are a swirl of yellow, which I’m not sure I captured. And the sketch looks better here than in person. It’s a little overworked....

Happy Spring!


  1. I meant to write that the painting looks better here than in person. The painting is overworked, not the sketch.

    Anyone know what happened to Susan? Hope to see some of Elaine T’s work this week...

  2. Sara, your sketches are amazing. Your self-portrait is your best yet and the second one catches the essence of the subjects without adding a single unnecessary stroke. I love the backgrounds you add to the florals. And everything, especially the sketches, is so full of life.

  3. Yeah, the pencil self portrait is the best yet. It has a nice quality about it. And it looks like you. I really like that powerful "perspective" drawing of the chairs/shadows/railings. Nice. The drawings, sketches, watercolors all looks lively and spontaneous. Nothing is overworked. Get a picture of the Easter things taken so we can see them! Hey, did you notice another lovely view of a brick wall through the window?
    I haven't heard from Susan at all.
    Elaine T. said she'd be posting later on tonight.

  4. I love the self-portrait! The florals are so joyous--it's a treat to look at them.

  5. I too find your sketches more powerful than your paintings. Well flowers, you know I am not much of a fan. I think it's the values, I don't see any strong ones in the flower paintings.
