Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Leaving Mississippi soon

I tried painting the house we stayed in. But it didn’t turn out well. I’ll try again.

Greets painted one of our liberal friends in front of a lovely store selling a lot of really good art.

Then she painted one of the beautiful simple houses in the older part of town.

We’ll be back soon.


  1. I think the house turned out fine. I especially like the light on the trees. Greeta, you know I love your house paintings and this one is lovely. You've really caught a personality in the portrait of your friend. I feel I know her or have met her. At any rate, she's a real and distinct person.

  2. I like the house painting too with the long winding drive leading up into it. And nestled among the trees. Very sunny too. An unusual double portrait where neither person dominates. I could spot that Greeta painted house anywhere. No one paints them like she does, great.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I just wanted to make a change in punctuation, but there was no way to edit, so I deleted it, but I didn't expect it to tell the world,

  4. I like the curvy limbs of the trees, but I think that roof throws of the composition, too solid and a bit askew. When I first saw Greetah's painting I thought gee she didn't do a very good job on that blonde woman and then I realized that she is some kind of cigar store mermaid. I like that streak of blue between her and your liberal friend.
