Sunday, April 28, 2024

Alan Spring 5

 I don’t know what else to do with this. If I spray it with permanent fixative it’ll have the effect I want but I won’t be able to change it. I’ll consider all suggestions but may act on none.

This is a little more than a quick sketch on hot press. There’s some gouache in there as well as a little white pastel. 


  1. Well I guess there is no hurry, it's not like the painting will spoil. But it looks done to me. I'd spray it and then if later you find it lacking, you can always do another painting of the image. Fixing a painting is like work, starting a new one is like the morning of the first day of summer vacation.

  2. I'm not sure what else to do with that Yupo painting either--except maybe make the background green or something that gives more contrast with the plant. I do like those sun-kissed boys. You can really feel the sun. And nice job on the backlighting and shadows!

  3. It's probably done enough,...but you could enrich the background as Elaine says and really make it even more dynamic. And maybe lose the 2 diagonals that echo the plant on top. They don't need it, especially with a more exciting background color.
    The beach boys look very good.

  4. Love the water kids….theres just enough information to make it interesting…

  5. There is no way that I can change the background now. That's the first thing I did and it wouild screw everything up if I changed it now. I might just as well start over and I'm just not willing to invest the time. I'll make it pretty and see what happens.
