Saturday, March 27, 2021

Elaine O. — March 27, 2021

 I added some touches to the exterior of the Field Museum....

Field Museum        9"x12"

...and started an interior, just for fun. Actually, just to test some paint color mixtures.

Field Trip    12"x9"

I did a rough sketch of the first daffodils of spring in my pandemic sketchbook—and noticed I already painted daffodils back on the second or third page, a whole year ago.

I also got a pair of prescription sunglasses, so I wouldn't have to use a baseball cap to shield my eyes on my pandemic strolls. I'm eager to test them out but, of course, the weather report calls for clouds and rain for all next week!


  1. Haha! I just did a daffodil sketch this morning, shivering in the wind! That museum interior is pretty funny - is that you and Sue?

  2. It WAS nippy, wasn't it? I didn't see a robin, though. It's my sister with Sue! She was part of their teacher ambassador program. I had a compositional hole in the Sue sketch and thought I'd drop her in--just like all the kids pose on their field trips. Not to scale or anything, but it made me laugh.
