Saturday, March 13, 2021

Elaine O. — March 13, 2021

Still playing with snow, although the weather this week has my thoughts turning to flowers and sunshine. First, a view of the morning after the big snow, looking west at a fellow shoveler. The challenge was to paint the mountains of snow without leaving a flat white paper for most of the painting.

Shoveling, After the Snow        8.5" square

This is my icicle curtain. It got bigger the next day, but this gives you the sense of it. I wanted to get the way the sun  made the icicles seem warm against the cool background and the way they are both very fluid and very structured at the same time.  I let the longest ones extend beyond the frame.... just like the real ones went beyond the window frame, although now I think that may be a bit too precious.

Icicles    10"h x 8"w


  1. Not too precious. A never ending source of inspiration and I never thought about it at all. Such an interesting combination of shapes and colors.

  2. Really lovely how you kept the colors soft and diffused in the snow painting. It has that muffled feeling of a heavy snow, with just the scrape of a solitary shovel...the icicle painting works on so many levels. Love the angle of the porch roof, the solid shapes against the colors of the ice and bricks.
