Monday, August 17, 2020

Susan's work

 Suzanne emailed these to the group, and I asked her if I could put them up on the blog and she said yes, so here they are:

Dear Pat & fellow artists! Enclosed is 9"×9" "Beth's Gift" of an Orchid she ordered online from Philippines as pandemic gift for me. PLUS 2: 5.5" × 8.5" sketches of  China's: "Dragon Gate Cruise" & "Dragon Gate Bridge". The mini sketches were done in 2011 & I painted them in watercolor just this week. Sidebar: My artistic mind has been at rest for past 5 months for various reasons: I have lost a male friend in New York, due to covid, just a month after he & his wife spent our sorority reunion together plus various health concerns,  non covid,  in my family! Hope all of you are safe & healthy! Fondly Susan Silvano 


  1. Glad you're back, Susan! I love the way you paint your everyday stories, documenting fleeting memories like the flower or a vacation sight. I like the way the thin drawn line works with the China cruise sketches. It's delicate but it controls and holds everything together. Sara is doing the same thing and I'm really drawn to that technique. Hmmm.... maybe my next inspiration?!

  2. Glad to see you back, Susan. Sorry for the loss of your friend. It's been a long few months, and I think we all miss seeing each other in person. Glad to see your art is reawakening!

  3. Have missed your story paintings. Are glad you are back. Nice mountains, nice water.

  4. Good to see your work again, Susan. Always refreshing to see your renditions of places you've been and what's around you.

  5. We've all lost during the time of Covid. Your images bring life into our lives. Keep posting!

  6. Yikes, This is Ellen. I'm in another artist group here in Bayfield Wisconsin Somehow that group name is posting not mine. I'll try to figure out how to fix that. Sorry for the goof up.

  7. I was wondering who the BroadStrokes broad was. Thanks for clearing that up, Ellen.
