Saturday, August 1, 2020

Sara’s Summer Daze...

Somehow I have remained signed in and can do posts and comments with abandon. I worked on this a little more and then I just stopped working On it. I’m not sure if it’s done. I like Nora; the baby looks a little alien-esque, as do their arms, but not sure fiddling with it will help.

Otherwise, I’ve just been doing these quick little sketches and painting them with gouache.


  1. I really love the softness of your portraits. Nora looks wonderful... and Quin has the cutest quizzical look.

    Those florals are really quintessentially summer. You've got the very essence of the flower with a simple elegant line. And you're really getting good with gouache handling. Did you get a haircut? Or is it just pulled back?

    1. The hair is just pulled back. I drew it standing up about six feet from the mirror. I have no idea why I start half way down the paper & expect to fit a full length sketch! That’s why I’m looking so annoyed!

  2. The portrait faces look lovely. The arms seem disjointed, compositionally and distract from the flow. Let it sit for awhile, come back to it, maybe turn it around to see it sideways, upside down, etc. to see what it tells you it needs/wants.

    Looks like you're having fun with the gouache sketches. Maybe try a gouache sketch of the double portrait just for snicks? You did the quintessential socially distant self portrait.

  3. Love the kids. That 45 degree hardwood floor sets them off nicely like a Japanese woodprint. Is is just me or but it seems the more you self-portrait the angrier you get.
