Saturday, July 11, 2020

Weekly Inspiration Pix

1 Angela Moulton, pink roses on the table, oil on canvas, 8 x 10 in., 2013, daily painting

2 Jeffrey T. Larson, 1962

3 Helen Frankenthaler, Nature Abhors a Vacuum, 1973, Acrylic on canvas, 103 1/2 x 112 1/2 in.

4 unknown source

5 unknown source

6 John Singer Sargent, c.1909; graphite & watercolor

7 Anselm Kiefer, The Evening of All Days, the Day of All Evenings, 2014, watercolor on paper, 33 × 24.5 in.

8 Alice Moloney, watercolor, 2014

9 mixed media, unknown source

10  Andy Warhol, by Marlene Dumas

11 Paul Klee, View from a Window (Island in the North Sea), 1923, Watercolor & gouache.

12  Barbara Walker, Attitude, 1998, oil on canvas, 122 x 213 cm

13  Lizzy Stewart, Jungle, illustration

14  Toyin Ojih Odutola, First Night at Boarding School, 2017

15  watercolor by Hua

16  mixed media by Linda Geary


  1. Thanks for posting these, Pat. It gives me some directions to browse when I need inspiration.

  2. Thanks, Pat! It's good to have these in one place. Also, it's interesting to notice how we've inspired/been inspired by these over the last few months.

  3. My pleasure, et. Yeah, I think it is interesting to see them one after another, Elaine. But I can't say I notice any direct influences...

    1. Well, I'm seeing similar subjects and an emphasis on looseness and color and things we expressed as intentions.... or maybe I'm just reading too much into things.

  4. These are so fabulous Together! I just glanced at them when they were originally posted. I love the curtains in the Paul Klee watercolor, the colors in the Frankenthaler & Sargent, and so many portrait styles...great inspiration!
