Saturday, July 4, 2020

July 4, 2020 — Elaine O.

Happy Fourth of July! I got a little more done on my portrait. I thought it best to get the dark background started (at least). Now, the face that seemed a bit garish looks a bit wan and pale. No matter, there is still a ways to go.

But the big news is documented in this rough sketchbook entry. There's been a lot of activity out my rear window. A lot of plants were pruned or torn out... including the lilac bush (okay, it's more of a tree) that used to beautifully frame the big blue dumpster. And now there is a big, bright, shiny new high fence.


  1. Is that Dave? Yes sometimes you have to put the background in before you know what will go in the foreground. Mice sketch, but that stairway in the middle kind of upstages everything else.

    1. Yes, that's Dave! And I know what you mean about the stairwell. My original intent was to reserve the brightest, boldest color for the fence, but, as you can see, I went a few steps too far.

  2. That's Dave alright. And he's dressed to match the sofa. It looks good in just 2 colors.
    Your sketch is great with every thing accounted for. And hey, you can still see over their privacy fence.
