Saturday, September 5, 2020

Elaine O. — September 5, 2020


I'm starting another portrait. While I'm still at the earliest light wash stage, I've added some of the dark bits (like the hair and eyes) as I found the missing eyes to be a little creepy. I know! I'm coming around on this and may be changing my MO. 

I've also done a couple more paintings in the Sargent project. This time, I selected subjects where they were very undeveloped. Even though he basically just paints a slash of paint for features onto a beige blob, it looks realistic and very much like a specific person.  Definitely something to work on!




  1. Dang, your portraits are really becoming delicate and full of personality since you started the Sargent project. I think I'm going to try something similar--maybe doing a couple of quick studies daily will at least get me painting more often.

  2. Your first portrait is stupendous. Don't do much more, if anything at all! Or, if you want to do more, start another.
    And the sketches keep coming along in the most wonderful way.

  3. I too like your first painting just the way it is. It's a good thing when your painting looks good right out of the gate, but dangerous because then you become so cautious trying not to ruin it.

    Like the two Sargents. The first one looks like a very good girl, but is the second one smoking a blue cheroot?

    1. So true--how when you have something good, you're paralyzed and afraid to wreck it. I think I'm feeling that here. I have something good here; I know it's not finished but I don't want to go too far and ruin what I like.

      Haha! It's not a cheroot. I though that too! It's a paintbrush she's holding in her mouth. Sargent got that across with just a blue line and a white one.

  4. Yes that portrait is sublime...I can definitely see the Sargent influence in how you handle the paint. Both sketches are great - especially love the delicate face of #1.
