Saturday, March 28, 2020

Big Cat One

I did this guy 30 years ago back when I used charcoal and watercolor crayons on newsprint.  I did him agai 10 years later and put him in our 1999 show.  20 years later I am doing him again.  Not uncommonly I am more interested in the background than the foreground.


  1. I love the colors in the rocks, shrubs and water. And his shape. More to come? He’s not finished is he? Can you post the older versions? I don’t remember ever seeing him.

  2. I remember the older versions! And I like the new emphasis on texture and background. I'd really love to see them side by side to see the evolution in style. I especially like the colors choices in the rocks and water.

  3. I remember him. At least one of the other ones. Yes, I too would like to see the trio together. My goodness, so you've been painting in watercolor that long?! Speaking of background, what are you thinking of putting there?

  4. I like to way the head and water are painted too. He really looks he’s drinking.
