Monday, July 31, 2023
Uncle Ken's little yellow dots
See here they are. It bugs me sometimes when posting that the little details on my masterpieces don't come through. Note also on the place of the former wicker the parallel vertical stripes of gamboche and ocher dots. Thank you very much.
Sunday, July 30, 2023
Alan in Chicago 7
Changed some of the details in this sketch per instructions from Ken. Like it better and remembered that it’s just a sketch.
I finished the philodendron painting on Yupo. Realizing that I had no idea of what I would paint for class, I took a couple photos of the plant on the way out of the house. I got to class and edited and cropped it and then just free painted the composition. And then I just free balled it to get to here. Didn’t worry about structure just color. And fun!
Uncle Ken fills in.
Speaking of dots, did you notice the yellow dots on the edges of that lower leaf. What do you think, too Wes Anderson-y?
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Bridge House/Greeta
Colors not so brilliant on actual painting. As usual, my lines are a little wobbly but overall I’m pleased with it.
Lethargy Painting….
I just tried to paint something everyday…I guess four out of seven isn’t too shabby. I wasn’t overly committed to producing masterpieces…I’m still down with a sinus infection, so sometimes I had to drag myself into the paint room, but once I got there I was ok. A little experimentation with color mixing on the top and bottom paintings. I’m still working on the second Quinn portrait, but I like it. Still trying to master skin color …how to darken it without going dirty looking. …and blond hair, the same issue.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Alan in Chicago 6
Well, here’s what you can do with yellows and reds. I didn’t like the lines I added but some other people did. .
Sunday, July 23, 2023
Uncle Ken wields the cleaver
Did not like those varying shades of green in each sector, scrubbed most of it out. It'll be fine. I know what I am doing. Now if I can just get Sweetie to hold my beer.
Saturday, July 22, 2023
July 22, 2023 — Elaine O.
Still working away on the bird of paradise plant. I thought I'd better get some background in—and good thinking, too. My hope was that darkening the background would make the flower pop more. Yet, it seems as if the flower isn't as bright as it was against the white! But there's still a way to go before it's finished, so maybe it'll turn out yet.
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Bird of Paradise 9" sq. |
Seems like everyone is painting leaves, doesn't it? They really are quite interesting. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in September...and until then, virtually.
Summer Cold….
Top is 7 x 10, the other two 9x 12. All are exercises in color mixing on the page, both by layering and charging into wet paint. I like the effects of charging best as the colors seem brighter. The middle painting has a lot of that. But layering was helpful in the landscape in the grass, the water and the sky. I’m just trying to make the process of painting more fun. I’m tired of worrying about if it looks like the photo or the setup. It never will! It’s a painting!
Monday, July 17, 2023
Alan in Chicago 5
Begonias in my yard. I lightened up certain petals and tried to remember that this is a quick sketch.
Not too happy with the colors and luminosity of this watercolor lily. I also got lost in the petals. I’ll try water soluble crayons again after Amazon delivers them to my house.
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Think it's done, unless some of my Saturday colleagues have something more to do, which, of course, I will take under consideration.
It's that damn brown thing between the two leaves isn't it? Should I blur it, fill it with more details, something else? I am all ears.
Saturday, July 15, 2023
July 15, 2023 — Elaine O.
I think I have another theme going this week. See if you can spot it. I opened my watercolor pad, only to find an existing sketch (one I wasn't particularly interested in at the moment). I didn't want to waste the page, though, so I decided to play around and reverse the colors. I made the statue green and the leaves red/orange. I had fun and I like it—it's as if I visited the museum in autumn.
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Seated Bodhisatva, Boston MFA 10.2" x 15" |
From there, I returned to the block with the stained edge. I still had some yellow/red/orange pools on my palette and was loving those colors (plus, heaven forbid I should waste paint!). So I started this bird of paradise plant as seen on a pre-Covid trip to California. The plant was beautiful and I'm hoping to do it justice. Also, I'm loving this paper (Arches rough).
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Bird of Paradise 9" sq. |
Ss Portrait in Ultra and Alizarin071523
In a desire to find closure in painting the lady cardiologist, I started the face sketch after an early breakfast on July 15. At home, I painted the skin undertone in a revised combo of yellow ocher and alizarin crimson instead of gamboge and alizarin. I then went to Watercolor class & continued to emphasize bone structures and shadows. I was careful not to create an African mask this time. I used generously the combo of Ultra blue & alizarin in the contours & sides of the face. The combo of cobalt blue & opera was used for a lighter shade. Raw sienna, burnt umber, burnt sienna were added. The hair was done in sepia and Raw umber. The highlights of the cheekbones & forehead were in yellow & quina gold. At the end of class, I feel I have an acceptable face. Sometime in the future, I might tweak it from to time to time or I might live it alone. Art is never ending no beginning!
Ss The Accidental Matisse: 070823
Inspired by her professional and caring manner, I requested to take a photo of my husband cardiologist sans face mask. My husband & I are pleased that the lovely dark complexion specialist has such a splendid bone structure and pleasing countenance hidden from view since pandemic started. This is my third time to paint an African American lady. The first was about Mayor Lori Lightfoot. The second was Supreme Judge Ketanji Jackson. The portrait painting of the lady cardiologist done during the July 8 Watercolor class resulted in a Watercolor painting of a woman with a lighter skin complexion. During the weekdays after July 8, I research tutorials from the internet in how to paint darker complexion subjects. I mixed color combinations recommended & tried to follow the speedy you tube instructions. I also remembered fellow Artist Elaine O. to keep layering & to be mindful of the highlights. The result was an African mask like face with darker shades in the forehead & the chin line. I brought the July 8 painting to class as a reminder not to repeat what happened. However, Teacher Pat & Classmate Elaine O. shared that the July 8 painting reminded them of Matisse Fauvist style. I am sorry I am not aware of that!
Today, July 15, I am sharing with you my first & second attempts on my July 8 Watercolor of our heart doctor.
Friday, July 14, 2023
Demented Rabbit Now I Know Why I Painted It
They have chewed through baby plants, mature plants. They are everywhere and can’t be scared away. My daughter seeing their boldness called them gangster rabbits. One of them boldly faced me down on her hind legs with her babies hanging on her! Next month, one of those babies will be facing me down.
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Alan in Chicago 4
I might have completed this iris painting on gessoed canvas.
I did some quick sketches of some flowers that I’m not really happy with. Theses are all done on 140# coldpress. The first is a pen and ink drawing with a wash of watercolor. I tried painting on a slant board but the colors got away from me.
Then I tried water soluble crayons from the cabinet in the room. I liked certain aspects of this medium but I have a lot to learn. At least I liked it enough to want to try some more. And I’m gonna try to fix this one
This is the beginning of another contour drawing of some of my neighbors lilies begun with water soluble crayons.
We’ll see.
Sunday, July 9, 2023
Making progress, I think.
Like the way the top leaf came out. That leaf behind it will get some viridian and turquoise and a different texture to distinguish it, then down to the big leaf below and then I will be able to put in the background, that is after the class forms a committee and a report is issued and the final vote taken.
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Elaine O. — July 8, 2023
Sometimes, things just don't go the way you'd like! I added balloon ribbons and touched up the background on this painting. I intended to darken it a tiny bit and make it blue to complement the golds and oranges. Unfortunately the red in the background wouldn't be tamed and kept bleeding into the blue. I can't get the color I want without getting too dark and changing the mood. Oh, well, I still like more than I don't about this.
11" x 14" |
And the bad news keeps coming! We had a slight flood issue, concentrated near my watercolor paper. Some of the pads had waterlogged edges. Worse, my Arches block had staining along the wet edge. Being a frugal sort, I'm determined to use the pad up, salvaging what I can. I direct watercolored some glasses, practicing reflections. (You can see the stain at top left.) Meh! I plan to revisit reflections, but not on rough paper!
9"x12" |
From there, I did a snow scene. I like a lot about this, especially the way the rough paper handles dry brush. It's a match made in heaven! I also like the way the paper texture prevents undue preciousness and contributes to a sketchy, impressionistic quality.
9"x10" |
Monday, July 3, 2023
Sunday, July 2, 2023
SS An Overseas Worker Remembers
I met again my Cousin during my latest Ph vacation in February 2023. He has retired from years of hard work and long time separation from family as a ship repair maintenance employee in Saudi Arabia. Cousin had a stroke last December and during his visit with me was still in a recovery phase. I was impressed by his energy and can do spirit with his limited mobility. His handsome face reflected his life history of struggle, setbacks and success. I painted him with a sense of nostalgia and commonality because I felt both of our families have health challenges. I honored his experience of working on ships and foreign waters with a backdrop of turquoise waters and sailing ships. I included a tiny cylinder of the Titan as a memento of the 5 nautical explorers. I thank all fellow artists for positive feedback on this creative project!
Happy Painting to all!
Saturday, July 1, 2023
Alan in Chicago 3
I tried to paint some irises that grow on my hill in Michigan. I didn’t want for it to look like a photo but a painting. Greeta says it makes you appreciate Georgia O’Keefe. It does. Somehow the petals didn’t look delicate enough. But I’m leaving it alone. It’s on 140# hot press.
I did like the background though.
I tried the same scene on gessoed canvas. I should have taken a picture of it after I put down the original washes. I ended up with the same problem I had with the original one. I’m going to wash much of the paint away to get to a lighter and more delicate painting. I can wash paint off gessoed canvas.
Elaine O. — July 1, 2023
For all practical purposes, this is finished! I have to add the balloon ribbons and tweak the background, but that's about it. There's a lot I like—the composition, the movement, the color pathway and the fact that the hands aren't awful. But I'm especially happy that I kept the focus where I wanted it and didn't go crazy with the details as I moved outward.
11" x 14" |
Oh, and I'm also glad I can now paint mylar balloons.... should the need ever arise again. Safe and happy 4th of July to all!