With minutes to go, Elaine T. documented a typical Saturday morning with us. Yes, that's Ken, Steve and Elaine O. hard at work painting. And outside the window? That white stuff is snow...either that, or she didn't finish due to time limits. At any rate, this quick, fun sketch captures the essence of Elaine T.'s Saturday morning.
Just to prove that it wasn't a total blizzard, we bring you Richard's series. He's been standing at the window, painting the scenery across the street. Last week, the sun was bright, casting crisp shadows....
... while this week, the grey skies give the scene a flat appearance. As part of his progression, Richard has moved to full color. We can't wait to see his final take on this urban landscape.
In the spirit of spring, Elle moves along with her portrait of her granddaughter. The soft, delicate colors and brushwork manage to convey the sweet innocence of the child, while capturing her personality.
Ken's finished another portrait. Based on a Julia Cameron photograph, he uses mosaic tiles to model his subject. We love the way he uses different tile styles for each different element, and we admire how skillfully he's interpreted the woman.
Moving right along, Ken spent most of his morning working on a study for his next painting in the series. It's also a Julia Cameron woman, and he's also using the mosaic technique, but he's experimenting with circular tiles. He's trying to decide if it makes her look feminine or scaly. Come back and see for yourself.
Speaking of series, remember Sara's series of portraits from paintings? Specifically, on March 23, when she painted Henry VIII? Well, Sara's contribution for the day is this photo of her buddy, seen in Madrid at the Thyssen. That's right, Sara is in Spain, having a wonderful time at her third art museum in 4 days, with more to come.
Steve's revisiting an old painting, too. It's two figures on a beach, closely cropped so they seem almost like a landscape. While clearing a closet, he came upon his original painting and thought, "I can do that so much better now!" So he's having another go, starting with a drawing...
As for Susan, she's still documenting her seasonal meals. Here's Easter breakfast... honeydew melon, green tea, toast and a double-yoked egg. We especially like the composition with the woven palm from Palm Sunday arched across the top of the place setting.
Elaine O. is still exploring her petunias. She did two small line and wash studies, one with a finely inked line and delicate washes.....
...and one with more vibrant colors and darker, more distinct brushwork. While she likes the soft, watercolor feel of the first study, she thinks the petunia below most closely resembles her actual subjects. Now if only spring arrives so she can plant this year's crop!
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Martin Luther King Jr. Library
3436 S. King Drive
Chicago, IL 60616
May 1-31, 2019