We're all still talking about last week's Winsor & Newton demonstration...the info, the samples, and, of course, the beetles! Speaking of which, look who made good use of last week's samples. Ellen's cars use only three colors (Winsor Blue, Winsor Red and Winsor Yellow) plus blending medium. That's quite a lot of painting for very little paint. Check it out—you'll be very impressed. Also look at Robert's use of the same three colors—again, incredible results from so few colors.
Helen and Elaine didn't use the same triad, but they also got great results from limited palettes. And, perhaps to compensate, everyone else's paintings exploded in an exuberant riot of color. Yes, we're all in spring mode! We're ready for May flowers...a whole month early, but that's the kind of weather year we've had!
We'll be off next week for spring break, but we'll see you the week after.